Customs services
Customs services are one of our basic activities.
We also provide the following services:
- Representing our customers before customs authorities in all procedures laid down by the customs legislation,
- Advice on customs procedures,
- Advice on obtaining permits for all types of simplified customs procedures,
- Keeping records on the imports and exports of goods and bookkeeping entries,
- Advice on the application of customs regulations,
- Representation in customs procedures with economic impact,
- Deposit of guarantees in customs procedures,
- Intervention in the phytosanitary, veterinary and other procedures,
- Intrastat reporting,
- Organization of transport
- Warehousing, custom storage of goods,
- Air transport of goods throught the Ljubljana Airport
- Assistance in obtaining binding tariff codes and correctness of the VAT rate.
We offer simplified clearance, which saves our customers a lot of time.
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